Discover the ultimate in luxury and style with our collection of FERIHA RUFFLED DRESSES. Made with premium quality georgette fabric, our pieces are soft, and flowy and offer a beautiful fall. The elastic ruffled sleeves add a touch of elegance and make them easy to wear. It comes without the vest coat since it is only for the styling purpose. Each outfit comes with a matching dupatta and belt, for a complete and coordinated look withc beautiful coquette lace work. Versatile and functional, our georgette outfits can be worn as an abayah or dress, depending on your preference. Experience the perfect blend of comfort, style, and sophistication with our georgette collection.
DRESS SIZE - STANDARD (56-58 size) can be worn by sizes between XS - XXXL
Discover the ultimate in luxury and style with our collection of FERIHA RUFFLED DRESSES. Made with premium quality georgette fabric, our pieces are soft, and flowy and offer a beautiful fall. The elastic ruffled sleeves add a touch of elegance and make them easy to wear. It comes without the vest coat since it is only for the styling purpose. Each outfit comes with a matching dupatta and belt, for a complete and coordinated look withc beautiful coquette lace work. Versatile and functional, our georgette outfits can be worn as an abayah or dress, depending on your preference. Experience the perfect blend of comfort, style, and sophistication with our georgette collection.
DRESS SIZE - STANDARD (56-58 size) can be worn by sizes between XS - XXXL